If you still want more, here are a few other places where you can find some awesome sourdough information!
(We will continually update this page as we find more resources!)
Links for Additional Resources and Recipes:
These sites are fantastic treasure troves of information for when it comes to sourdough.
Northwest Sourdough
Sourdough Home
Wild Yeast
King Arthur Flour
The Fresh Loaf
Sourdough Companion
Cookbooks: (the following are affiliate links and we get a very small amount of money when you make a purchase following these links. However, we know that you know how much work we put into this site, and we really appreciate you supporting us!)

Sourdough: From pastries to gluten-free wholegrain breads
Discovering Sourdough: Part 1 Beginning Sourodugh. Written by Teresa L Greenway (eBook)We also recommend Part II, Part IIIA and Part IIIB
Baking Sourdough Bread: Dozens of recipes for artisan loaves, crackers and sweet breads. Written by Goran Soderin.
If you choose to buy your own starter instead of making your own following the directions we have given in the "About Sourdough" page, here are some places where you can do that.:
Cultures for Health
Sourdough Companion
(**Note: We have not purchased any sourdough starters from these locations, they are just places where we have noticed they have them for sale. Please use your own judgement when making a decision on purchasing.)